Gospel Partnership Commitment

The vision of Radiant Church:

Our vision is to see every man, woman, and child in the Fairbanks North Star borough have a regular encounter with Jesus in word and deed through his people living on mission in the everyday stuff of life.

We want to accomplish this vision by:

Gospel Communities transforming our city, state and beyond by multiplying disciples, GC’s, and Churches.

The purpose of partnering with Radiant is:


Elder Commitments:

Radiant Partner Commitments:

Five Basic Tenants to Gospel Partnership:

  1. Believe and live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ: We believe the gospel is the power of God for salvation through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ saving us for the purpose of glorifying God and participating in his mission of making disciples. The sustaining force behind this relationship is the Holy Spirit daily deepening our relationship with and in submission to Jesus through Scripture and Prayer.
  2. Regularly Gather: We gather together on Sunday morning as a family to learn how to worship and live all of life in response to the Gospel. Our Sunday gatherings are only a part of who we are as the church but most importantly it is a time to worship our Savior and communicate the Gospel to our Radiant family and to the city of Fairbanks.
  3. Regularly Engage: We engage during the week in the primary organizing structure of Radiant- Gospel Communities (GCs). In GCs we encourage each other to live together in everyday rhythms; we learn together, celebrate together, bless each other, eat together, recreate together, confess and repent together, and spread the Gospel to our neighbors together.
  4. Actively Serve: We are called to serve because Jesus was the greatest servant and called us to imitate Him. We serve our Radiant family along with those who do not know Jesus to follow Christ’s example of how He loved and served the world. We serve on Sundays, in our Gospel Communities, and/or to the people in our neighborhood, communities our city.
  5. This year I commit to serving by:
  6. Actively Give: Whether materially rich or poor, Christians are wealthy beyond all measure due to the generosity of Jesus. Having received generously, we give generously. Not out of a sense of guilt, but a heartfelt joy in the knowledge of what Jesus has done for us. We submit all our life including our money under the lordship of Jesus Christ. (Eph 1:3)
As believers in Jesus Christ, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit and committed to follow Jesus by being an integral part of the local church. By filling out the growth card below, you help us as elders to care for you through prayer. By you committing to taking responsibility for your discipleship and the discipleship of others, you are taking an active role at Radiant to reach the Fairbanks North Star Borough with the Gospel. We want to intentionally partner together and take a stand to do church on God’s terms. If you want to dive deeper into our doctrinal beliefs or bylaws, please ask one of our elders for our bylaws or our doctrinal statement.

Growth/Prayer Card

What are three areas in these commitments/tenants that you wish to grow in, or other areas of growth in your relationship with Jesus that the leadership can commit to praying for in the next year. Click for some example goals.
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